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For the first time, 12 years ago,, we devoted ourselves to this boat, considered by everyone difficult.
The study, we did about it, has been in fact very difficult; Walter Mazzella and Ariberto Strobino gave us a great help because they tested our sails.

The choice of “Contender” materials was ok, and the first sails gave us satisfactory but not optimum results.

After other tests, we realized that the cut was subordinated to the resistance in warp; this allow us a greater load capacity…

The new choice of Bainbridge materials was right, because it was fit for what we looked for our cut.

In this period, we want to do a promotional sale of the current sails. They are in different materials, with radial cut on the sheet point both of the jib and of the spanker, surface at the rules limit, shape choice bold but powerful and easy to manage. We offer two kind of spinnakers, one that prefers the stern, the other the slack, but both have a great range so that you can change their position, if you need it.

Call us for more information.
In the construction of sails for dinghys or center board, nord ovest sail loft, has a well-established experience by now.
